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Diwrnod Arbrofol EGINO Experimental Day

Diwrnod arbrofol EGINO experimental day

Dewch i egino efo ni! Come and germinate with us! 

Dydd Sadwrn 11.3.23 Saturday

Pontio, Bangor (White Box) & ZOOM

11.00 – 14.00

Ar Dydd Sadwrn 11.3.23, byddwn yn dechrau creu ein cymuned ddynol/goedol. byddwn yn darganfod: “pwy ydyn ni, sut ydyn ni'n uniaethu â'n gilydd, a beth ydyn ni eisiau o gymryd rhan?”

Bydd teithiau tywys dychmygol, sgwrs, cyfle i rannu eich archwiliadau hyd yn hyn, gweithgareddau a gwneud creadigol. 

On Saturday 11.3.23, we’ll be starting to create our human/tree community. We’ll be finding out: “who are we, how do we relate to each other, and what do we want from taking part?”. 

There will be a guided visualisation, conversation, an opportunity to share your explorations so far, creative activities and making

Please bring

  1. A packed lunch and drink

  2. A blanket, cushion or mat for your comfort during the guided visualisation, if you’d like to be cosy/ lie down (not compulsory!)

  3. Pen and paper/notebook

  4. Any results of your Cylch 1: EGINO activity/homework eg

  • your Tree Sense Experimental School bardic name (and badge if you have made one) 

  • anything resulting from finding and bonding with your tree/copse/wood that will join you at the Experimental School.

(don’t worry though if you haven’t! See here for the prompts:



If you would prefer to join us over ZOOM, you will be a part of the meeting itself . You will meet those attending at Pontio and be invited to take part in the activities, til 2pm, including a half hour lunch break at about 1pm.

Zoom link the same as always:

Meeting ID: 854 0971 9450
Passcode: 398362


Edrych ymlaen at eich gweld! Looking forward to seeing you!

Lindsey, Angharad & Lisa

3 March

At Ein Coed TreeSense Cylch 1: EGINO

15 March

March Collaboratory Mis Mawrth - EGINO