Straeon Byrion Cydweithredol Utopias Bach Collaborative Short Stories

Mae Seran Dolma, awdur Preswyl Utopias Bach wedi cychwyn ar brosiect i ysgrifennu cyfres o straeon byrion yn seiliedig ar sgyrsiau gyda cyfranogwyr a phartneriaid Utopias Bach.

Seran Dolma, Author in Residence at Utopias Bach, has embarked on a project to write a series of short stories based on conversations with participants and partners of Utopias Bach.

Mae’r un gyntaf, a ysbrydolwyd gan Lindsey Colbourne, a gyda lluniau a fideo gan yr artist, i’w weld yma:  Stori Aderyn Du

Mae’r ail un, a ysbrydolwyd gan Lisa Hudson, a gyda lluniau gan yr artist, i’w weld yma:  Stori Sycamorwydden

The first one, inspired by Lindsey Colbourne, and with photos and video by the artist, can be seen here: Black Bird Story

The second one, inspired by Lisa Hudson, and with photos by the artist, can be seen here: A Sycamore’s Story

Dyma sydd gan Seran i ddweud am y cynllun:

“Mae’r broses yn anffurfiol iawn.  Fe fydda i yn ymweld a’r artist yn ble bynneg mae nhw’n gwneud eu gwaith, ac yn eu holi beth mae nhw’n ei wneud, beth sy’n eu hysbrydoli ac ati, jyst yn cael sgwrs agored iawn, ac yna fe af adref a chrafu pen am rhai dyddiau.  Efallai mewn rhai achosion bydd angen sgwrs arall, neu ddau, neu efallai cyfnewid e-byst.  Efallai y cymerith amser.  Efallai na ddaw dim byd ohono, ond y sgwrs ei hun.  Ond efallai, gobeithio, yn y pen draw, y gwna i lwyddo i ysgrifennu rhywbeth.  A gobeithio y bydd yn rhywbeth tebyg i stori.  Rhywbeth efo canol, a dechrau, a diwedd, sy’n adlewyrchu diddordebau’r artist ac yn ymateb mewn rhyw ffordd i’w gwaith nhw.  Ac er mai ffuglen fydd o, gobeithio y bydd ‘na rhyw fath o wirionedd ynddo fo.  Gwirionedd sy’n gyfuniad o weledigaeth yr artist, a diddordeb yr awdur mewn deall y byd trwy sgwennu storïau, a’r amgylchiadau sydd wedi eu dod a nhw ynghyd o dan faner Utopias Bach. 

Mi wna i rhannu unrhyw beth ydw i’n ei sgwennu efo’r arlunydd yn gyntaf, a dim ond os ydyn nhw’n fodlon, bydd y stori wedyn yn ymddangos yma ar yr wefan.  Mae i fynnu iddyn nhw sut mae nhw’n ymateb, ond fe wahoddir yr artistiaid i ddarparu delweddau i gyd-fynd a’r stori fel mae Lindsey wedi gwneud ar gyfer y Stori Aderyn Du. 

Os hoffech chi gydweithio efo fi ar stori, cysylltwch trwy e-bostio:

Seran has this to say about the scheme:

“The process is very informal. I visit the artist where they do their work, ask them what they do, what inspires them etc, just have a very open conversation, and then I'll go home and scratch my head for a few days. In some cases we may need another conversation or two, or maybe an exchange of emails. It may take time. Maybe nothing comes of it, but the conversation itself. But hopefully, eventually, I'll manage to write something. And hopefully it will be something like a story. Something with a middle, and a beginning, and an end, which reflects the artist's interests and responds in some way to their work. And while it will be fiction, hopefully there will be some sort of truth in it. A truth that is a combination of the artist's vision, and the author's interest in understanding the world through stories, and the circumstances that have brought them together under the banner of Utopias Bach.

I will share anything I write with the artist first, and only if they are happy, the story will then appear here on the website. It's up to them how they respond, but the artists are invited to provide images to accompany the story as Lindsey has done for the Black Bird Story.

If you would like to work with me on a story, please contact me by email


llais y cerrig (3 of 34).jpg


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